Today’s thoughts are provided by Rev. Alexis Mahoney
God or Google?
How many times have you heard someone say, ‘Google it!’, especially regarding a question no one knows the answer to?
I’ve heard it so many times now and, truth be told, I’ve used it many times myself in response to an inquisitive question. I’d guess this applies to many of us. ‘Google it’ is a phrase which has been used so much that it’s become part of our common parlance. And I’ve also heard someone say that Googling stuff on the internet is a way of consulting with ‘the great god-Google’, such is its alleged power to bring forth knowledge to our fingertips.
Of course, access to knowledge is extremely useful. But I’ve also heard a saying which thoughtfully suggests that ‘all knowledge which doesn’t lead to love, is just information’.
So though it’s tempting to turn to what some have called, ‘the great god-Google’ for many things, it’s a worry of mine that one of our contemporary blessings is also a curse, as we too often use this as a default process before we do anything. That we too often seek information first, before wisdom and love.
How often do we turn to our Great God of love before doing anything? Or if we have a question, or if we’re going through an experience that weighs heavily on our heart or mind, do we instinctively turn to our Great God?
After all, one of the default acts we have been exhorted to practice is to always consult our Great God. In fact, we are exhorted to ‘pray without ceasing’ (1 Thessalonians 5.17). So, praying should be our default position for absolutely everything!
Some of you may be thinking, ‘Ok, so this is yet another Minister bigging-up the power of prayer’, but prayer is often the last thing we do rather than the first thing we do. And prayer is best when we interweave it in all we do. Or effectively; when we pray without ceasing…
There are many ways of praying without ceasing, but the one I’d like to offer you today is from the Eastern Orthodox tradition, called, ‘The Jesus Prayer’[1]:
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner”.
The Jesus Prayer can be repeated verbally or internally, either as a rule of prayer or in addition to it, or as a form of devotion, or as a short focal point that can be used at any moment, whatever the situation. Try it and see!