Safeguarding Officers
Mr Paul Demery – Safeguarding Concerns/Cases
07723 754124
Mr Trevor Evans – Training
Mrs Lisa Medina – Administration, DBS Checks, Training information
If you have any Safeguarding concerns in your Church, please contact:
Paul Demery – Circuit Safeguarding Officer
07723 754124
Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding policy for Cardiff Circuit December 2022
The next in person training will be on Tuesday 28th March 2023, 10am at Whitchurch Methodist Church.
To book a place on the training, please contact with your name, church and role.
Online Training is also available on the following dates:
Tuesday 18th April 7pm
Wednesday 10th May 10am
Thursday 8th June 7pm
Tuesday 4th July 12pm
You can book these here:
you will need to select the correct date by clicking more options.
Wales Synod Cymru Safeguarding Officer
Mrs Rhian Evans-Hill
07722 045453
Advice and guidance on all aspects of the Methodist Church Safeguarding policy can be found here: