Today’s thoughts are provided by Rev. Kofi Amissah
The name given to the month of May by the Gà people of Ghana, is ‘Agbienaa’. Farmers who sowed seeds in previous months are hopeful that the rains will fall in great measure to water and nourish the crops so that there will be a bumper harvest. For fishers, ‘Agbienaa’ begins the harvest season when great catches are expected. Thus, aside the rain, bumper harvest is the real thing in May for the Gà people of Ghana.
We all anticipate one harvest or another in various areas of our lives. The church also looks forward to the harvest of souls into God’s kingdom. God promises those who obey him that he will send rain on their land in its season, so that they may gather in their grain, new wine, and olive oil to eat and be satisfied (Deuteronomy 11:13-15).
So, pray that as you obey God’s commands, God will send seasoned rain of blessing upon you so that all that you have laboured for will flourish and prosper.
Pray that the harvest of souls will continue in the life of the church and that all our labours will bear fruit.
Pray for the Methodist Synods in Wales and the Methodist Church to be the beacon of God’s love to the nation and the barns upon which God’s end time harvest will be stored.
Pray for yourself and your community, bringing needs and desires before God who promises to answer us.
Pray for a bumper harvest for the world in the fight against COVID-19, that all efforts made in all fronts will yield positive results to bring the pandemic to an end.