Today’s thoughts are provided by Rev. Irfan John.
Pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NKJV)
Jesus taught his disciples to pray during quietness or during moments of agony – that is to pray at all times. A Christian life is established and maintained by having a prayer life. John Wesley was a man of prayer. He spent time in prayer every morning beginning at 4:00 a.m. before embarking on his day.
One evening he went to dinner with a great writer. After dinner, the man said, “Now you’ve finished dinner, let’s have a nice time of conversation.” Wesley said, “I’m sorry, I have to go.” The author objected, “But it’s not yet nine o’clock, why are you going?” Wesley said, “I have an appointment in the morning at four o’clock.” “At four o’clock tomorrow morning?!?” he asked. “Every morning of my life,” Wesley said. “With whom?” he questioned. To which Wesley said, “With God.”
Spiritual revival broke out in spiritually and morally declined Britain of 18th century, because Wesley had discovered “the grand means of drawing near to God”. As a runner gains strength for the race by his daily exercise, similarly the strength for the race of faith is gained by the exercise of prayer daily.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your great love. We thank you for the work of the Wales Synod, all its Circuits and Churches. Forgive us when we try to move ahead in our own strength without you. Help us to follow your command to “pray without ceasing”. So that our spirit may always be sensitive to your presence and the voice of your Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus. Amen.