Today’s thoughts are provided by Rev. Alana Lawrence.
In all we do as church members we must not forget that it is God’s will and God’s Spirit that moves and shapes, inspires and recreates the Church. The Church is made up of living stones, as an expression of God’s Spirit and as a witness to God’s kingdom come, here and now. The Wesley Triptych is a work of vision not locked into the past but reflecting how past and present flow together onwards in accordance with God’s will and the assurance of God’s continued presence and work in Caerphilly. The sun, the light of the world, shines across the Triptych, across time, and across the people, churches and mountains in and around Caerphilly. God’s will be done, yesterday, today and eternally.
Let us remember that God’s will be done in every place and every time, and that we are called to be living stones making up the Church, body of Christ who is our cornerstone. Let us give thanks to God for calling us across time in this and every place, as living stones in the Spirit renewing the Church and bringing the good news of salvation through Christ our Lord, to all the world. Amen.